Bio Sensor Training or Super dog (ENS-Early Nuerological Stimulation)

What we do and why our pups are so exceptional is not solely contributed to genetics, but also directly credited to the Bio-Sensory Program conducted on each of our puppies.

The U.S. Military developed a program in the 1970's called the Bio-Sensory Program to improve the performance of dogs used for military purposes. This program became publicly know and is often referred to as the Super Dog Program or Bio-Sensory Training for Dogs.

Many puppies bred for field, security, and guide work are introduced to the Bio-Sensor Program as part of their development.

The basic premise of the program is that early neurological stimulation exercises could affect the performance of the dog in later life. The Army's research revealed that early stimulation of the puppy from the 3rd day through the 16th day influence rapid neurological growth and development. 


Bio-Sensory Training for Dogs improves the development of the puppy's neurological systems by early stimulation and stress. Five benefits have been observed in dogs that were exposed to the Bio Sensor stimulation exercises:

  • Improved Cardiovascular Performance,

  • Stronger Heart Beats,

  • Stronger Adrenal Glands,

  • More Tolerance to Stress, and

  • Greater Resistance to Disease.


We incorporate the Bio-Sensor or Super Dog Program into our socialization and temperament development regimen. The Bio-Sensor program easily fit into our established puppy-rearing process and supports our Values.

We do not substitute the Bio-Sensory Training Program for socialization and handling of our puppies. The Bio Sensor method is a well-documented puppy development tool supported by the AKC. We use it religously and think it helps to make our puppies the best they can be.